Matt Bell @ Zone, Blackpool 1992
e-mail me if you can identify any of the tracks
1. House Corporation - I Know I Can Do It (samples Simone)
2. Cosmo Crew - Show No Shame "woow" heavy "come on"
3. T.F.O - Technoforte (samples Chimo Bayo vocals)
4. Silk Cut - Let Off [White Label] "you wanna play house or what, somebody scream"
5. GYR-8 - Get Ready (Fireworks) "got to feel it, i just wanna hear a good beat"
6. Hysteria - Energy Express
7. Synthesis - House Time "house time is any time" male (big tune)
8. Gangster Point - Get Back "leaving me again" female / piano
9. GSP - The Banana Song "cant you see I cant do it alone" samples the Banana Splits
10. Elevation - Can You Feel It "deep in your soul"
11. Rozalla - Are You Ready To Fly
12. PKA - Powergen (Only Your Love)
13. Is That It? - State Of Mind (State Of Mind ep) [D-Zone]
14. K3M - Listen To The Rhythm
15. Open Billet - Could Be Rock "you could be rocking a stage" piano/female
16. 2 LUX 25 - Give Yourself "enjoy the ride"
17. Control - Feel The Music "people feel the music, feel the XTC of love" female / piano
18. Orbital - Chime (Mutations)
1. 2 Bad Mice - No Respect "heres another one to get jealous of"
2. Candy Flip presents C-Bounce - Keep The Faith "come on and get some more"
3. Buster Gut - Find Someone "somebody, who wants my body"
4. Mickey Diaz - Got Me Burning Up
5. ??? "rock the house"
6. Anticapella - Everyday "keep on trying everyday" female
7. RAF - We Got To Live Together
8. Alex Lee - Take It
9. 49ers - Move Your feet
10. Sound Machine - Wake Up "sweet dreams, wake up everybody" wailing female (familiar)
11. Rhythm Section - Feel The Rhythm (Comin On Strong ep) "listen to the bassline thump"
12. Sunscreem - Pressure Us
13. ??? "Change Your Mind" male rap
14. New Atlantic - I Know
15. The Pied Piper - Kinetic (Im In Heaven Mix)
16. Paris Red - Good Friend (Heavy Club Mix)
17. Opus III - Its A Fine Day
18. With It Guys feat Shirley Lewis - Feel Alright
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