Craig Walsh - The UFI Club Tour 92 - (Dec 92)
1. [00:00] Dark Comedy - War Of The Worlds
2. [05:00] Secret Knowledge feat Wonder - Ooh Baby (Vocals Mix) [Sabres Of Paradise] "a picture paints a
thousand words" female whisper
3. [10:50] Man With No Name - Forever 1
4. [15:30] The Aloof - Purity
5. [21:20] Sublime - Fight The Feeling [23rd Precinct]
6. [00:00] Degrees Of Motion - Free Your Soul
7. [04:00] Mojo Risin - Little Shout To Big World [Tee Pee] "shout to the world" female
8. [05:00] Paul Reid - Anthem (The Well Hung Parliament Dub) "this is a dream, this is only a dream" male "just
get down to the rhythm" female
9. [10:10] Dub Commission - Lost In House (The Pressure Remix) [Hubba Hubba]
10. [14:00] Mojo Risin - Dances With Fire (Mojo's Firin' Dub) [Tee Pee] "ah yeah" male
11. [19:30] Supreme Love Gods - All Over "here to help you" female/piano
12. [23:30] Boom Generation - Summer Of Mercy [Dance Device] "oh god yes" male
13. [28:00] UFI - Understand This Groove (Dub)