Dave Seaman - House Masters (Red) 1997 (87min)
Harder and Uplifting House
1. Melanie Di Tria - Photographic [Plutonic] "go, ow" male
2. Mankey - Believe In Me [Frisky] samples Yazoo
3. Hole In One - Amrad In The 7th Phase [Nutrition] "oh boy" male / todd terry beat
4. The Sharp Boys - Sharpe Tools Volume Two (Side A 1) [Sharp] "thats it, wheres the beat" female
5. Fionn & Paul Harris (Fah) - The Warning [Crosstraxx]
6. Nootropic - Cant Stop (SPS Mix) [Hi Life]
7. SubMerge feat Jan Johnston - Take Me By The Hand [AM:PM]
8. Future Funk - Switch Lock
9. DJ HMC - LSD (Southern Cross ep) [Juice] "LSD" repeated male
10. Dominion - Creation (Dub) stuttery female
11. Twilight - In My Dreams [Sunkissed Records]
12. Sasha - Ohmna [Deconstruction]
13. e-N feat Ceevox - That Sound (Edge Factor Dub Short) [SFP] "when im" female
14. Future Force - Puttin A Rush On Me (Freefall Mix) [DMC]

comment: the tape below is a 60min version of this mix

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