DJ Sasha & Paul Van Dyk - Groovalicious 1998 (58min)
House U-Topia
e-mail me if you can identify the unknown tracks
* Paul Van Dyk *
1. [00:00] Gouryella - Gorella
2. [02:30] ??? inst
3. [05:00] The Highlander - Dignified (Tough Mix) [Blutonium Records]
4. [11:00] Timo Maas Vs Ian Wilkie - Twin Town (Nick Warren Remix) [Hope]
5. [17:30] Metal Master - Spectrum (Minimalism Remix) [Harthouse]
6. [23:00] ???
7. [27:30] Microbots - Cosmic Evolution
* Sasha *
8. [29:30] Touch Of Insanity - Ethnosis 1 [Ingwe] (briefly)
9. [31:30] Humate - 3.1 (Humate's '98 Mix) [Platipus]
10. [36:30] Humate - 3.1 (Mijk Van Dijk Remix) [Platipus]
11. [41:00] Antic - Pulse [Jinx Records]
12. [47:00] Dave Kane - Clarkness [Plastic Fantastic]
13. [52:00] The Argonauts - Sommertag (Dub Mix) [Red Parrot Recordings]
comment: the sasha set is part of Sasha - Stars X2 1998 (4hrs set)