Danny Rampling - April 94
e-mail me if you can identify the unknown tracks
1. [00:00] ? "and the beat goes on" acapella intro
2. Prince Of House - Get It Started [Epic] "everybody jump"
3. The Moab - Overtribe (Forward Rmx) male
4. [09:30] ? "dont let nobody tell you what to do" female
5. Interaction - Show Em How We Do It
6. J.D. Braithwaite - Love Me Tonight (Soul Sensation Mix)
7. Tension - Love Me, Hold Me (Classic Vocal Mix)
8. Move Inc - Partners (Original Mix - New Vibe)
9. Phuture - Spirit (DJ Pierre Tribal Mix)
10. Bump - House Stompin (The Martian Invasion)
11. Klatsch! - God Save The Queer + The Playground - Desire (accapella) "so deep, so liquid" male
12. Smooth Touch feat Althea McQueen - Come And Take A Trip (Erick "More" Club Mix)
13. Klatsch! - God Save The Queer
14. Smooth Touch feat Althea McQueen - Come And Take A Trip (Erick "More" Club Mix)
15. Injection - I Dont Need It [Groove On] "the morning, come on and feel it" female
16. Junior Vasquez - Get Your Hands Off My Man (Sound Factory Mix) + explicit female acc
17. N.Y. Connection - In Front Wan It (Original Mix)
18. Global State - Don't Need It (Don't Want It) "i need a man, dont need it dont want it" female/piano
19. Elevator - Shinny (Harmony Mix)
20. [73:30] ? male scat
21. Ramirez - El Gallinero
22. Marmion - Schoneberg (Marmion Remix)
23. The O.T. Quartet - Hold That Sucker Down (Builds Like A Skyscraper)
24. The Shamen - Possible Worlds
25. Deep Forest - Sweet Lullaby (Ambient Mix)