Zone @ Blackpool - DJ Chris Baker 93 (59min)
1. Our Tribe - I Believe In You
2. Rhythm Eclipse - Feel It In The Air (Pigeon Pie)
3. Kristaal - Take Me To The Top (creative thieves vocal/piano)
4. Dirty Mind - The Killer
5. Z100 - Zesta Dont Stop
6. 49ers - Everything "everything you do and say I wont let you get away" female
7. Jinny - Feel The Rhythm
8. Inner Planet - Good Love "get hype, get it right" male
9. Cappella - U Got 2 Know
10. Chase - Music Is My Life "keep it coming"
11. Kristal Club - One More Time
12. Sound Machine - Wake Up "love, crash, sweet dreams " female (has deee-lite vocals)
13. Sexy 7 - Make My Body Move (female)
14. Last Rhythm - Back To Life "tell me what you need" female / piano (familiar)
15. Little Rascal - Movin To The Beat (female / piano)
16. Cotton Club - Cotton Wool ep "come on now" female / piano / broken beat
17. Liberation - Liberation 2 (Smile Through Your Tears)
18. Glam - Hells Party
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