Addiction @ Torquay, 29th Dec 92 - Craig Walsh & Scott
[00:00] R-Tyme - R-Theme
[00:10] The Chameleon Project - Fallen
[04:40] 108 Grand - Te Quiero (Darren Emerson Strutt Remix)
[06:30] The Drum Club - Alchemy (Phasers On Stun) [Guerilla]
back to 108 Grand
back to Drum Club
[14:40] Dreaming In Yellow - Excommunicate [t:me] "esco moca" female
[20:00] Eagles Prey - Tontos Drum (Darren Emerson Remix)
[27:00] Tronikhouse - Smooth Groove
[28:20] ? "master sounds of, we will rock you, so get on down" male
[30:10] Boom Generation - Summer Of Mercy [Dance Device] "oh god yes"
[35:10] Slackjaw - Drive My Body (Maserati Mix) "like a maserati"
[39:30] SAS - Amber Groove (Toxic Hijack Mix)
[44:20] MAD - Electric (Minimum Resistance Mix) [t:me 1092] male scat/scream from s express
[00:00] The 3rd Alternative - Sinister Footwork (Part 1) [Skunk] squelchy acid inst
[04:30] Outlander - To You [R&S] "burn burn, who are you" female/bleepy
[09:00] Lemon Interupt - Dirty
[14:00] Limelight - Limelight (Holy Guitar Mix) dreamy electric guitar (familiar)
[18:30] Visnadi - Searching For You [UMM]
[25:00] Dr. Atomic - Schudelfloss (High On Hedonism Mix) [Guerilla]
[31:00] X-Press 2 - Muzik Xpress [JBO]