Tony De Vit @ Sunnyside Up SW1, 16-2-97
e-mail me if you can identify the unknown tracks
1. [00:00] Tall Paul - Rock Da House (Experts Remix) [VC]
2. [01:40] Groove Terminator - It's On (DTPM Mix) [It's Fabulous] "what i use to hear with"
3. [08:00] Cadenza - Rock Your Enemies [Shift Recordings] "rock is over make the building shake"
4. [13:50] Natural Born Grooves - Groovebird (Baby Blue Remix)
5. [21:00] The Fruit Loop - Show Me Love (Shut Ya Face Dub)
6. [23:50] Tyrant - Dirty Minds (Dex & Jonesey Mix) female
7. [26:20] Fred & Ginger - The Jam Must Go On [Freebass Recordings] "come on come on" male/siren
8. [30:50] Diddy - Give Me Love (Tony De Vit Mix)
9. [37:30] ? your majesty
10. [42:00] ?
11. [45:00] DJ Mo vs Marc De Clarq - Electric [Electric Balroom]
12. [51:00] EC1 & Choci - Give It To Me (DJ Glenn Miller Mix) big strings
13. [56:00] NRG - Never Lost His Hardcore (Baby Doc's '97 Remix)
14. [61:50] Outlander - Vamp (Tony De Vit Remix)
15. [69:30] Tony De Vit - Are You All Ready? (Mix Cut)
16. [78:00] Age Of Love - The Age Of Love (Tony De Vit Remix)
17. [86:50] Awex - Its Our Future (Tony De Vit Remix)