Tony De Vit - SEX Mixtape 1240 (late 97)
Recorded at Democracy 3rd Birthday @ Winter Gardens Ballroom, Cleethorpes, July 1997
Tape 1
1. [00:00] Deep Stereophonics - Skin Deep "open your mind"
2. [06:00] Montreal Sound - (Sure Of) You (Mark Kulak Remix)
3. [10:20] Phenomania - Who Is Elvis? (TDV Mix)
4. [17:00] Barr & Winchester - Checkin The Cuts "rock the whole equator"
5. [23:00] TdV - Feel My Love
6. [29:00] Knuckleheadz - House Rocca [Tripoli Trax]
7. [32:20] Interactive - No Return [Blow Up]
8. [37:20] Bounce - Get Off The Floor (Heads Down Mix) [Redlight]
9. [42:20] The Chemist - Ruff Kutz (Brooklyn Bounce Undertaker Mix)
10. [47:40] Boomboys - Gunsmoke [Venus]
11. [50:50] DJ Disco - Stamp Your Feet [King Size]
12. [55:20] The Sharp Boys - Sharp Tools Volume Three

Tape 2
13. [61:00] UK Gold - Nuclear Shower (APA Remix) [Tidy Trax]
14. [65:50] Annia - I Am (Psicodiva ep) "I am you see & this is my house" siren
15. [70:20] Joy Foundation - Work It [Carousel]
16. [75:50] Monaco - Sweet Lips (Tony De Vit Mix) "why why why" male
17. [82:00] V-Tracks - Subway 26 (Trade Mix By Tony De Vit)
18. [80:00] TdV - Get Loose
19. [84:50] Exit EEE - Epidemic (Tony De Vit Trade Mix) wailing female
20. [98:20] Incisions - Beyond Motion (Chocci Remix)
21. [103:20] Tony De Vit - Are You All Ready

comment: Tape 1 is the same as TdV Stars X2 with Tall Paul [Starfish]

original tape cover

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